Hi there 👋
My name is Nathan, and I am currently a high school student. I enjoy coding, reading, playing basketball or doing something related with maths and physic.
Besides this short presentation, I use this website to list some of the projects I made, and am currently involved in.
The order of the projects doesn't really matter. As a general rule, the most recent are placed first.
Khan Academy
- A* algorithm
- Euclide's algorithm
- Dijkstra's algorithm
- Collisions - Une dimension
- Intersection de segments
- Physique - Chute libre
- Clouds (Perlin noise)
- Math Art
- Morse encoder / decoder
- Atome
- Sudoku solver
- Trigonométrie
- Clock
- Snell - Descartes
- Vecteurs scalaires
- Derivée
- Serpent
- Car simulation
- One hour challenge
- NodeJs Tutorial
- Wizard's potion
- Khalighter | Code syntax highlighter
- Towers
- Optimium
- EasyDocs which was used to make this website!
- Foforum
- Website Backend Template
Old projects
All these projects are either archived, and will not be maintained anymore. I keep them here for prosperity and to keep them in mind more than anything else 😉
Khan Academy
Since Replit has discontinued free hosting, all the websites below may work, but you won't be able to preview them. See this post for more information.